Summer is just around the corner and here in Los Angeles it’s always bikini weather! Here are some great tips to help you achieve that bikini body in just 10 days! Try to challenge yourself and see if you can stick to these suggestions. Grab and friend and do it together!
Sugar is a no-no for bikini season. (not to mention every other season as well!) It causes inflammation, suppresses your immune system, can cause weight gain, hormonal imbalance, headaches as well as many other negative effects.
2. Hydrate!
It is so important to drink water! Water not only flushes out toxins, but bathes and nourishes your cells. It assists in weight loss, clearer skin and clearer thinking. Drink at least ½ of your body weight in ounces each day and even more if you are working out rigorously.
3. Move that tush!
Try to exercise at least 4 times a week for at least 30 minutes each time. Even if that means jumping around with your kids for 30 minutes in a dance party! Walk, swim, bike, do yoga. Anything that will help your body sweat out the toxins and build muscle. Exercise also alleviates stress, lifts your mood and helps in weight loss.
4. Lose the booze.
Alcohol not only adds extra unnecessary calories, but it is a toxin that your body just doesn’t like. It also contains a lot of sugar, which we already know wreaks havoc on your body.
5. Juice your veggies!
If you have access to a juicer or juice bar drink as much green juice as you can. You will be nourishing your body with tons of vitamins and minerals in a high concentration. This will help detox your insides making your outside body glow! Veggie juice will also give you great energy! Try it!
6. Cut the white stuff!
This means take out any and all refined processed foods. White sugar, white flour, white rice etc. It’s all junk. It actually takes more work for your body to digest these refined foods leaving you tired and depleted. Read your labels. Instead go for the brown rice, quinoa, whole grain choices. And don’t forget your salad!
7. Get your beauty sleep!
Sleep is when your body rejuvenates and refuels. It is time for your cells to get nourished and rest. Try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night. You will wake up refreshed and full of energy!