Need a chocolate fix? These bite size brownies are a perfect snack! Made with raw walnuts, dates and cacao powder they are loaded with antioxidants, omega 3’s, vitamin E, magnesium, iron and fiber. ...
Omega Green Smoothie
Hello friends! It's Monday and time for a fresh start! I made this smoothie yesterday and thought I would share. It's packed with amazing nutrients including your greens, omegas and lots ...
Best Hummus Recipe
This truly is the most delicious and easiest recipe to make in the world. Throw everything into the blender and voila! Use it for sandwich spreads, dipping raw veggies in or for just plain old pitas! ...
Chocolate Pudding
You are never going to guess what secret ingredient this pudding contains. Your kids will never know it's there. I love making this pudding in the summer and dipping fresh strawberries from the famers ...
Simple Kale Salad
This simple kale salad is so easy to make and super impressive for your friends! You can even prep it the day before. It has a sweet and salty duality that cuts the bitterness of the kale. ...
Coconut Milk! Do it Yourself!
I have to say this is the yummiest dairy free milk I've made yet. I am a huge coconut lover and I could barely keep this in the fridge for more than one day. Actually I could have gulped the entire ...
My Favorite Green Smoothie
It's not always easy getting in your daily dose of greens. One way our family makes sure to eat our greens is to throw them in our smoothies first thing in the morning. That way you know you got at ...
10 Healthy Tips for a Smashing New Year!
Want to feel fabulous in 2017? Here are some easy tips for a healthy new year. They are simple and straightforward suggestions that anyone can add into their lives. Even if you incorporate a few of ...